

  1. Students must respect and obey their teachers and School authorities at all times.
  2. Running, playing and shouting in the classrooms and corridors during study hours is
    forbidden. Students must not indulge in fights and physical and verbal abuse in school.
    Stringent action will be taken against all students instigating and/or participating in such
  3. Chewing chicklets and gum in the school premises is strictly forbidden.
  4. Students may not loiter in the classrooms during break or Computer, Games and
    Activity periods.
  5. Students may not go to the toilets or to drink water during class time. Such needs
    must be attended to during the break. However, if any student has a medical problem,
    the same must be brought to the notice of the class teacher / nurse in writing with
    medical certificate attached.
  6. Students are not permitted to bring story books (other than school library books),
    magazines, picture books, video games, audiovideo cassettes/DVD’s/CD’s, fancy items,
    Walkman’s or Mobile phones to the school.This rule is applicable for class, practices,
    Annual Day, Sports Day, Picnic etc. Any such property found in the possession of the
    student will be confiscated by the school.
  7. All school leaders must be given due respect.
  8. Students must record and follow the specific instructions given by their teachers.